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Buyers program


The Buyers Program offers to selected buyers a VIP experience at the show discovering the best food and beverage products from all around the world.


Travel accomodation advantages

A team of professionals in charge of arranging the expected services always available through a help line

Educational Session, Cooking Show

Special activities and events inspiring knowledge about international food production

Buyer Pass

Free access to the trade show, the Buyers' Lounge and the program reserved activities thanks to the Buyer Pass

Networking events

Exclusive events to Boost networking connections between food producers and buyers

Business Agenda

A dedicated tool to schedule in advance meetings with your favourite exhibitors and customized paths of visit

Retail Tours

Guided visits and valuable insights about the most interesting Italian retailers and their best practices

Buyers' Lounge

Reserved Area with dedicated services: meet and greet, refreshments, Vip Zone, coat room and much more

Special Activities

Guided tours of the show according to thematic itineraries discovering special areas and new focuses


You qualify if you are involved in the food sector as:

  • Purchasing Manager
  • Buyer
  • Category Manager
  • Import Manager
  • Top Manager
  • Private Label Manager
  • Executive Chef


  • Food Retailers
  • Department Stores
  • Supermarkets, Hypermarkets, Specialty Stores Chains
  • Restaurant Chains, Hotel Chains, Food Service
  • Wholesalers, Distributors, Importers

candidature process

The candidate has to submit the application through the dedicated form within the official deadline of the Program.
TUTTOFOOD Team will evaluate each application before confirming the participation and if approved, the team will inform the candidate accordingly providing all the details about the next steps to follow.
The evaluation considers several key information such as: candidate profile that must match the Program’s target, categories of interest, participation in Fiere di Parma previous events, number of participants from the same company, country of origin and other information.
Non-buyers, partners and employees of exhibiting companies will not be considered for the Buyers Program.


The candidate has to submit the application through the dedicated form within the official deadline of the Program.
TUTTOFOOD Team will evaluate each application before confirming the participation and if approved, the team will inform the candidate accordingly providing all the details about the next steps to follow.
The evaluation considers several key information such as: candidate profile that must match the Program’s target, categories of interest, participation in Fiere di Parma previous events, number of participants from the same company, country of origin and other information.
Non-buyers, partners and employees of exhibiting companies will not be considered for the Buyers Program.

THE TUTTOFOOD buyers program team

We are a special department of Fiere di Parma ad our mission is to let the best Italian and international food and beverage producers meet qualified buyers and decision makers of the distribution sector: to do so we take care of foreign professionals in search of food specialties from all the over the world by easing their visit and offering them a unique business experience.

5|8 maggio.2025
Orari: dalle ore 10 alle ore 18 eccetto l’ultimo giorno, 8 maggio 2025, dove l’ultimo ingresso permesso è alle ore 15 e la manifestazione chiude alle ore 17.

Non è garantito l’ingresso ai visitatori che non abbiano acquistato il biglietto online oppure non registrato il proprio invito online